Test Results

If you are waiting for test results, we will only call should there be a need to do so.

If your results are entirely normal, we will not call.

However, you should still call the practice to see if any results require further action. All patients must ensure they check their results approximately 1 week later either via online access or via reception, as comments may be left by clinicians with suggested advice on next steps.

We suggest you call at less busy times, avoiding 8am and 12pm (noon) as these can be busier.

Viewing your test results via your patient online services:

Alternatively, you can always check using your patient online services. If you do not already have access to test results on our online services, this is because either a) you have basic online access only or b) you have full access but you have not requested the test result function to be activated.

If you currently have basic access only and wish to have full access including test results, you will need to complete a patient online services application form and bring to reception with photo ID so that we can issue you with a linkage key. If you already have full access but don’t have test results activated, you can contact the surgery to request this.